Global Boiling and Florida’s Rising Temperatures

Written by: Rashawn Khamari Merchant

South Florida
National Weather Service

Coinciding with heat waves, both land and water are being impacted. Florida feels these impacts as the state’s coastal waters reached temperatures upwards of 100 degrees. This reach led scientists to reference the term ‘global boiling.’

In Florida, a region called Manatee Bay, just south of Miami and North of the Florida Keys, waterways reached 101 degrees Fahrenheit. An astounding reference point is that most hot tubs will range between 100-102 degrees.

As people seek comfort away from this summer’s heat, even the beach may not be safe to enjoy. This hazard is the case for marine animals as researchers look to project coral and manatee populations known to reside in these parts. 

Along with warm air, there is a lack of winds that typically cool down the water. In addition, shallow waters with lots of grass content, like the Everglades, could influence the data. The official record for the warmest ocean temperature in Kuwait stands at 99.7 degrees Fahrenheit in 2020. Florida’s numbers will continue to be verified. 

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