10 Facts About the Environment

1. We have explored less than 5 percent of the ocean

The oceans on Earth are so vast and deep that we humans haven’t explored more than five percent of them. Much of the sea floor cannot be explored due to the depth being so vast, radio waves themselves cannot penetrate.

2. Ants weigh more than humans

The combined weight of ants on the planet is higher than all human beings. The world has over 7 billion people, and 100 trillion ants.

3. Aluminum can be recycled indefinitely

Recycling one soda can will save enough energy to power a tv for three hours. 

4. The ozone layer will be fully healed by 2069

The UN’s Environment Agency (UNEP) has declared that the ozone layer, the planet’s protective shield of gas, is on track to heal completely in our lifetime. This is due to the worldwide banning of chlorofluorocarbons and hydrofluorocarbons.

5. There are about 27 oil spills daily, somewhere in the world 

The sad part about this is that about 5 million tons of all the oil produced every year, end up in the oceans, killing millions of marine animals.

6. 25% of the bottled water you buy is municipal tap water 

You might as well pass on the plastic bottle.

7. Invest in Our Planet 

This year’s Earth Day theme is focused on engaging governments, institutions, businesses, and the more than 1 billion citizens who participate annually in Earth Day. 

8. The world’s indigenous protection

Indigenous populations make up just 5% of the global population yet protects 80% of global biodiversity.

9. Say no to bags when you go shopping 

A plastic bag is used for an average of 12 minutes but will remain in the environment for 1,000 years before it decomposes.

10. Agriculture uses up 70% of our global freshwater 

It goes up to 90% in fast-developing countries.

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