How to Be Leader in Climate Change:

Strategies For Activism

Written by: Rashawn Khamari Merchant

What is Leadership?

Leadership is the ability to guide a group of people in an idealistic direction. Frequently, leaders are responsible for making a difference and creating working scenarios for people to engage in. In justice movements, we call this engagement activism, and the goal of a leader is to guide people toward acting. 


The focus of leadership is to attract people and motivate them to continue in your cause. Your mannerisms are the number 1 strategy for drawing people in. People want a leader who represents the best of themselves, and this means as a leader, you should be the most excellent version of yourself. People are drawn toward prominence, so be confident in your approach. You must believe in your abilities before others can. Push through your mistakes. I, for example, stutter quite often. I continue and push through my speeches because I trust in my ability to overcome my mistakes and improve them later. Be passionate. People often get passion and confidence confused, but passion is how much you care and how far you are willing to dedicate yourself to the cause. 


Looks are subjective. Being wrinkled is not. If you have a speaking event or interview forthcoming, do not look sloppy. It’s crucial to maintain yourself through skin regimens, haircuts, and nail care. Treat your body as a temple. You should participate in physical upkeep by exercising and eating healthy regularly. 

Audience Identity:

Know your audience. You wouldn’t speak to your parents the way you would your peers. Treat communication opportunities the same. Understand who you are talking to and why, as this will help guide your choice of subject matter. Carry out plenty of research and never be afraid of adding in humor.


Creativity has always separated individuals from the group. Such is necessary when becoming a leader. Be relevant, and when you get a wild idea, go for it.

Thanks for reading!
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