Love in Outer Space

Written by: Justin McMillian

How do we find Love in Outer Space?

Original Artwork
Rashawn Khamari Merchant/Earth Shiners

First, we must go internally to find love in inner space. The physical world we live in is massive on a macrocosmic level, yes, but it is also infinitely expansive on a microcosmic level. If you divide a number by zero through arithmetic, it would equal zero. A mathematician would tell you that it is actually “undefined.” This means that no matter how many times you multiply a number by zero, you will never get a number outside of zero. So yes, zero does relate to infinity in the fact that both are undefinable concepts that we use to define the undefinable.

We can think of an atom as our solar system. The Sun would be the nucleus, of course, and everything that orbits around it will mimic the space of our solar system. Some estimates say that an atom is approximately 99% empty space. A proton would be like our moon compared to the Sun. So, what holds our physical world together? A combination of particles and fields because, certainly, we do not live in a vacuum. If we did, Dyson would have a fortune larger than the likes of Mansa Musa.

Due to the information I’ve laid out, we can concur that atoms are essentially vessels that act as a medium for vibrations. We know that anything above absolute zero (-273 C), is in motion. Even the most solid of tables contain particles in a constant state of entropy. This signifies that matter is almost nothing, and what we can’t see is what mostly comprises the world. We are being held together by a combination of particles, fields, and frequencies.

To find Love in Outer Space, we must use our bodies to properly interact with our environment. All frequencies must go through a medium. We are the only medium we will ever have our consciousness connected to. Each of us is a frequency that is a reflection of souls. This frequency on the physical plane may be experienced through our breath, speech patterns, heart rate, etc. Our bodies are a part of nature. Placing ourselves in environments that promote our lives’ sustainment is crucial for survival. This may look like living around a forest for some and a lake for others. It can look like surrounding yourself with like minded people, investing in a good stereo, playing music which grounds you. Inner space is truly built upon the daily thoughts you have within yourself, which are then reflected back onto the physical world, outer space. Finding within yourself that self love is true liberation. There will come a time when you become Love in Space.

Thanks for reading!
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