A Beginner’s Guide to Climate Change Solutions

Written by: Rashawn Khamari Merchant

Fall foliage in Harlem, New York
Rashawn Khamari Merchant/Earth Shiners

The magnitude of climate change can be daunting. It is vital to remember anyone can be a part of the solution, no matter how big or small the impact may be. Here are 10 ways for beginners to make a difference. 

1. Recycle

2. Use public transportation- or advocate for it

3. Stop printing paper- ask yourself if that document can be sent via email

4. Go to the park- being in nature builds our connection with it

5. Eat less meat

6. Turn off the lights

7. Unplug your devices

8. Go on a date- being active and social increases wellness

9. Support others- encouragement builds community

10. Learn- improving your knowledge is how you increase your impact

Thanks for reading!
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