Hudson River Cruise – Earth Shiners Travel Guide

Written by: Rashawn Khamari Merchant

Tree foliage in The Bronx
Rashawn Merchant/Earth Shiners

With bright colors and the New York City skyline, fall brings a wondrous display to any set of eyes. Experiencing peak foliage is remarkable, even more so for those on the east coast amongst the deciduous trees. I decided to venture out and combine nature and New York’s urbanscape by taking a cruise tour along the Hudson River. 

Departing from Pier 36 in Manhattan, I boarded a semi-crowded boat filled with city natives, tourists, and people of all ages. The cruise took off on a Sunday afternoon for an approximately three-hour trip to Yonkers and then back toward the Statue of Liberty.

Sometimes, New Yorkers are stigmatized against doing “touristy” activities, but I recommend entirely bypassing any preconceived notions. As someone who lives in New York, I was joyous to hear a stream of facts that improved my historical knowledge of the area. 

When heading north, there were immense views of skyscrapers. First, the Battery Park neighborhood showed itself in full arrangement. The tour guide spoke about the One World Trade Center, including its eight sides and being the tallest building in North America.

Midtown Manhattan
Rashawn Merchant/Earth Shiners

While moving along, we came upon midtown. New York City is constantly evolving with plenty of growth and development. All along the center of the island were cranes and newly built buildings. There were classic staples such as the Empire State Building and the Chrysler Building; however, the most eye-catching were the modern features of the Hudson Yards Area. The Vessel, Edge Building, and Highline are all new attractions that drew in crowds large enough to see from the river. 

As a New Yorker, it is easy to disregard New Jersey. However, the Garden State’s Hudson neighborhoods cannot be denied their significance to this geographical section. According to WPG Talk Radio, Jersey City is one of the most expensive city in America. The median rental price is $5,500, which factors in luxury apartments and proximity to downtown NYC.

Jersey City, New Jersey
Rashawn Merchant/Earth Shiners

Further along the river tour is where the increase in tree density occurs. Nearing Columbia University, green spaces allow for a full range of fall colors. Vibrant yellows, browns, and oranges take over city space as leaves appear as falling land stars. 

Fort Washington Park is a highlight of the tour. As the George Washington Bridge comes into view. The bridge’s beautiful blue steel glows wonderfully as the setting sun reflects off its towers. The area becomes serene as the perfect balance of nature and the city combine as people run along the riverwalk with cars speeding above their heads. 

In the last section of the northern journey, the cruise headed up to Riverdale in The Bronx before making a U-turn at Yonkers. These neighborhoods undoubtedly contained the most amount of fall color changes. To the left, the New Jersey Palisades tipped through the cliff sides. At this point, the desire to continue forward was more powerful than ever because all urban sounds ceased for a brief moment. You could hear birds and the ruffling of trees. Regardless, as quick as the silence fell, a Metro-North train flew by as a reminder of how infrastructurally robust New York is. 

On the turnaround journey back to the Financial District, mostly everyone on board rested and took in the natural light. A Hudson River cruise tour is a great way to separate from the city while staying inside its lines. Enjoy the last amount of the fall season and admire the outdoors.

Thanks for reading!
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