The Government’s Role in Protecting Nature

Written by: Rashawn Khamari Merchant

The United States’ White House
Rashawn Merchant/Earth Shiners

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) serves as the gold standard for what we consider to be the government’s role in protecting nature. The agency is often called upon (and blamed) when environmental disasters strike. The government plays an essential part in conserving our country’s natural spaces, and as a people, we trust them to protect us from related health hazards. There’s a deep history between the government’s role and its modern influence, and much of it begins in the early 20th century. 

Every year people flock to see D.C’s Japanese Cherry Blossom trees
Rashawn Merchant/Earth Shiners

Following the Great Depression and World War 1, America was in deep economic despair. Many were still out of work or returning from the war with skilled hands but needed opportunities to utilize them. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt saw this as a chance to rebuild the nation through labor projects from coast to coast. In 1933, he signed Executive Order 6101, which created the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC). As a result, while mostly white, 3 million men joined the CCC and made efforts to plant over a billion trees, construct 13,000 miles of hiking trails, and develop 800 new parks. For about ten years, the government had a profound hand in restructuring our natural resources. Since then, it has been vital in protecting America’s landscapes. 

Further on, into the 1970s, the EPA was created. After a robust economic and infrastructural growth period, emissions rose at astronomical rates. Cars and factories had little to no regulations, and there was a nationwide spread of respiratory sickness due to air pollution.

Photo inside United States Botanical Garden
Rashawn Merchant/Earth Shiners

The U.S. ‘s waterways faced similar detriment as waste dumping into rivers became a popular means of disposal. The Clean Air and Water Acts halted this devastation, and the EPA assisted in federal oversight. Today, one of the protection agencies’ most significant roles is supporting state and local agencies in doing the same. According to the EPA’s mission statement, it works to use funding toward research, protecting human health, and sponsoring partnerships for collaborative efforts amongst community groups.

United States Capitol Building
 Rashawn Merchant/Earth Shiners

As we move into what appears to be America’s newest rebuilding phase post-pandemic, the proposed Green New Deal has been something to watch. The Green New Deal is an idea to create an infrastructure incorporating cleaner energy and sustainable materials to improve cities, transportation, and agriculture. Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

proposed it and continues to push during the Biden Administration. The Green New Deal aims to create jobs while promoting a cleaner America that will provide environmental safety for the future. New infrastructure can reduce carbon emissions which have led to extreme weather events like wildfires and droughts. With the available money and momentum from the Inflation Reduction Act, there’s a possibility to eliminate fossil fuel dependency altogether. The economy needs a new push and one built for the 21st century.

Thanks for reading!

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